What makes a good treasurer?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Qualities, skills, knowledge A good treasurer will: be capable of handling figures and cash; good communication and interpersonal skills; ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed-up; and.Click to see full answer. Considering this, what is the most important rule of a treasurer? Be a Resource The most important duty of a treasurer is to be a good custodian of the PTO’s money. That’s probably obvious even to brand-new treasurers. But there is a second treasurer duty that’s almost as important as the first: You must provide financial information to support decisionmaking.Likewise, why do you want to treasurer? Treasury management is a rewarding, exciting and varied career that helps shape the future of an organisation’s financial strategy. Treasurers ensure there is enough money to pay the company’s bills or to invest in new ventures, and they manage the financial risks in an organisation. what are the roles and responsibilities of a treasurer? Typically, the Treasurer’s duties include the following: Financial management and/or oversight. A Treasurer may manage or oversee the management of the financial affairs of the organization, often including such basic tasks as selecting a bank, reconciling bank statements, and managing cash flow.What does a treasurer do in a society?A treasurer is the elected office bearer of a housing society who is responsible for financial and legal compliances, assets and liabilities and whose primary job is accurate management and oversight of a society’s financial transactions/undertakings.
