How Much Does The Royal Family Actually Pay You To Work For Them?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

The position of "Master of the Household" was established in 1539 — although according to Royal Central the job "required little to no effort" until the 1840s, when Prince Albert restructured the department. The branches that comprise the Household include "Food, General, Craft, and Housekeeping," and the department employs "over 250" people. Currently, the job is held by Anthony Johnstone-Burt. In 2016, the Daily Mail reported he was bringing in around $207,000 yearly, making him one of the most well-paid employees of the royal family.

In an interview with Forces, Johnstone-Burt, who has a military background and no experience managing a household, said that his first meeting with the queen was "surreal" and "thrilling," adding that his military background helped him with the position, which primarily involves planning events and banquets: "In the military, we have a saying — 'No plan survives contact with the enemy.' In other words, stand by for change." Johnston-Burt also said that his position was open to anybody when he applied. So if you are a master organizer, perhaps you'll become the next Master of the Household.
