Is That You, Tilda Swinton? You'll Never Believe the Star's Dramatic Makeover!

May 2024 · 1 minute read

We've seen Tilda Swinton try out many on-camera disguises in the past, but her latest one had us thinking she was a completely different person! For her role in the upcoming Judd Apatow movie Trainwreck, the star was spotted on set in a highlighted wig, dramatic eyeliner, and a bronzy contour. Very few details about the project have been released, but with Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, and even LeBron James on board as cast members, we're sure the film will be nothing short of hilarious.

When it comes to getting into character, Swinton holds no qualms about changing up her look—she's been almost every color of the hair spectrum. And most recently, for The Grand Budapest Hotel, the star spent five hours in the makeup chair every day getting transformed into the wealthy Madame D with the help of prosthetics. "I'm such a nerd when it comes to all these technical layers. I loved being able to work with incredible artists and their prosthetics—it was quite extraordinary," she previously told "It took five hours. Five hours on, five hours off. It wasn't Jim Carrey in The Grinch or anything, but it was amazing."

Click through our gallery to see Tilda Swinton's best red carpet looks.
