The Meaning Behind The Song: The Rowan Tree by Craig Herbertson

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The Rowan Tree is a hauntingly beautiful folk song that carries with it rich symbolism and historical significance. Written and performed by Craig Herbertson, this timeless piece explores the themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of nature. As a talented Scottish singer-songwriter, Herbertson takes inspiration from traditional folk music and infuses it with his own unique touch, creating a song that resonates deeply with listeners.

Table of Contents

The Rowan Tree, at its core, tells the story of a forbidden love that transcends time and place. The rowan tree itself represents protection, healing, and transformation, making it a powerful symbol throughout the song. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a couple who are torn apart by circumstance but find solace in the enduring love they share. It speaks to the universal human experience of love and loss, capturing the emotions that accompany such profound connections.

The Historical Significance

Beyond its lyrical meaning, The Rowan Tree carries a significant historical backdrop. The song draws inspiration from the Jacobite Risings, a series of rebellions in Scotland during the 18th century. These uprisings sought to restore the exiled Stuart monarchy to the British throne. The rowan tree, in this context, symbolizes the resistance and resilience of the Scottish people during a tumultuous time in their history.

The Jacobite Risings were characterized by a struggle for freedom and the preservation of Scottish cultural identity. The Rowan Tree, therefore, serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for their beliefs. It celebrates the indomitable spirit of the Scottish people and their unwavering commitment to preserving their heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What inspired Craig Herbertson to write The Rowan Tree?

Craig Herbertson drew inspiration from both Scottish folklore and his personal experiences. The song’s themes of love and resilience resonate deeply with him, and he wanted to capture these emotions in a timeless piece of music.

2. Is The Rowan Tree a traditional folk song?

No, The Rowan Tree is not a traditional folk song. Craig Herbertson wrote and composed the song himself, drawing from his roots in traditional Scottish music.

3. What does the rowan tree symbolize in the song?

The rowan tree represents protection, healing, and transformation. It serves as a powerful symbol throughout the song, embodying the themes of love and resilience.

4. Are there any other songs by Craig Herbertson that are similar in style to The Rowan Tree?

Yes, Craig Herbertson has a diverse repertoire of folk songs that capture the essence of Scottish culture and history. Some other songs that share a similar style include “The Bonnie Lass o’ Fyvie” and “The Braes o’ Killiecrankie.”

5. Is The Rowan Tree based on a true story?

While The Rowan Tree is not based on a specific true story, it draws inspiration from the historical context of the Jacobite Risings and the universal experiences of love and loss.

6. Can I find sheet music for The Rowan Tree?

Yes, sheet music for The Rowan Tree is available for purchase online. It is also possible to find free arrangements of the song in various formats.

7. Has The Rowan Tree been performed by other artists?

Yes, The Rowan Tree has been covered by various artists throughout the years. However, Craig Herbertson’s rendition remains one of the most celebrated and beloved versions.

8. What instruments are typically used in the performance of The Rowan Tree?

The Rowan Tree is often performed with a combination of traditional Scottish instruments such as the fiddle, accordion, and bagpipes. The use of these instruments adds an authentic and soul-stirring quality to the song.

9. Is The Rowan Tree a popular song in Scotland?

Yes, The Rowan Tree is considered a popular and well-loved song within Scottish music circles. Its timeless melody and meaningful lyrics have endeared it to audiences both within and beyond Scotland.

10. Are there any live recordings of Craig Herbertson performing The Rowan Tree?

Yes, there are live recordings of Craig Herbertson performing The Rowan Tree available for streaming or purchase. These recordings offer a unique and intimate experience of his heartfelt rendition.

11. What other songs has Craig Herbertson written?

Craig Herbertson has written and performed a wide range of folk songs that delve into various aspects of Scottish culture, history, and human emotions. Some notable songs include “The Highland Lament” and “The Calling of the Deer.”

12. Can I learn to play The Rowan Tree on a specific instrument?

Yes, it is possible to learn to play The Rowan Tree on various instruments such as the guitar, piano, or violin. There are online tutorials and sheet music available to help aspiring musicians master this captivating song.
