The Meaning Behind The Song: Animal by Kesha

May 2024 · 7 minute read

Kesha’s debut single “Tik Tok” became an instant hit in 2009. The American singer, songwriter, and rapper, who was an underground artist before becoming famous, continued to release chart-topping hits. One of her most popular songs, “Animal,” from her debut album with the same name, is full of energy and catchy beats. The song, which was released in 2010, has a deeper meaning behind it.

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Kesha’s Inspiration for Writing “Animal”

Kesha wrote “Animal” with her mother Pebe Sebert and songwriter Dr. Luke. The song was inspired by Kesha’s personal experiences with self-expression and individuality. Kesha has always been known for her bold fashion sense and her unique personality. “Animal” was a way for her to empower herself and her fans to embrace their true selves and push aside societal norms.

In an interview with Idolator, Kesha said, “I’m an animal. I’m a wild child. I’m everything opposite of a robot. I’m true to myself, and I’m going to be that way forever, and that is what ‘Animal’ is about. It’s about me and my little brother and our wild, crazy, weird friends just going out at night and not having any consequences except feeling empowered.”

The Lyrics of “Animal”

The lyrics of “Animal” are bold and unapologetic. The song is about embracing who you are and living life to the fullest. Here are some of the most memorable lines from the song:

“I am in love with what we are, not what we should be
And I am, I am starstruck with every part of this whole story
So if it’s just tonight, the animal inside, let it live and die”

Kesha is reminding her audience that it is okay to be different and follow their own path. She wants her fans to embrace their inner animal and live life to the fullest.

The Message Behind “Animal”

The message behind “Animal” is clear; be true to yourself, embrace your individuality, and live life free of fear and judgement. Kesha’s message is more relevant in today’s society than ever before. With social media and other forms of technology shaping our society, it’s easy to get lost in other people’s expectations and forget who we truly are.

In an interview with The Guardian in 2016, Kesha said, “We’re all animals, and that’s OK. I’ve always been drawn to animals and I’ve always felt a lot of empathy with them, and sort of understood the animal inside myself.”

Kesha’s empowering message in “Animal” has resonated with millions of people around the world. The song not only encourages self-expression and individuality, but it also empowers women to be strong and confident.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning behind Kesha’s song “Animal”?

The meaning behind Kesha’s “Animal” is to embrace your true self and live life free of fear and judgement. The song encourages self-expression and individuality, empowering people to be themselves and not conform to societal norms.

What inspired Kesha to write “Animal”?

Kesha wrote “Animal” with her mother and songwriter Dr. Luke. The inspiration for the song came from Kesha’s personal experiences with self-expression and individuality. She wanted to empower herself and her fans to embrace their inner animal and not be afraid to be themselves.

What does “Animal” mean to Kesha?

To Kesha, “Animal” means to embrace the animal inside of all of us. She believes that we are all animals in our own way and that it’s okay to embrace that side of ourselves. It’s about being true to who we are and not trying to conform to societal norms.

Why is “Animal” an empowering song for women?

“Animal” is an empowering song for women because it encourages self-expression and individuality. The song reminds women that it is okay to be different and that they should not be afraid to embrace their true selves. It’s about being confident and strong, and not letting other people’s perceptions or expectations define who you are.

What kind of impact has “Animal” had on Kesha fans?

“Animal” has had a tremendous impact on Kesha fans around the world. The song’s message of self-acceptance and individuality has resonated with millions of people. Many fans have credited “Animal” with helping them embrace their true selves and giving them the confidence to live life on their own terms.

Why is Kesha such a strong advocate for self-expression and individuality?

Kesha is a strong advocate for self-expression and individuality because she has experienced firsthand the pressure to conform to societal norms. She believes that we should all be free to express ourselves in our own unique ways and not be judged or shamed for it.

What is the significance of the line “So if it’s just tonight, the animal inside, let it live and die” in the song “Animal”?

The significance of this line is that Kesha wants her listeners to embrace their inner animal and not be afraid to let it live freely. She is saying that it’s okay to be wild and crazy and that we shouldn’t be ashamed of that side of ourselves. At the same time, she’s also saying that it’s okay if that side of us only comes out once in a while, and that we don’t have to be that way all the time.

How has Kesha’s personal experience influenced her music?

Kesha’s personal experience has played a significant role in her music. As an artist, she has always been unapologetically herself, which has resonated with her fans. Kesha’s music is all about embracing your true self and living life to the fullest, a message that comes from her own personal experiences.

What other songs has Kesha written that promote self-expression?

Kesha has written several songs that promote self-expression and individuality, “We R Who We R,” “Blow,” and “Woman” are some of the most popular ones. All of these songs are empowering and encouraging people to be themselves and not conform to societal norms.

What kind of impact has Kesha had on the music industry?

Kesha has had a significant impact on the music industry. She has been a trailblazer in promoting self-expression and individuality and has encouraged young people to be true to themselves. Kesha’s music has also opened up conversations about important issues like sexual assault and mental health, helping to break down the stigma surrounding these topics.

Why is Kesha such an important role model for young people?

Kesha is an important role model for young people because she is unapologetically herself and encourages others to do the same. She promotes self-expression and individuality, and her music is all about being confident and strong in who you are. Kesha has also been open about her struggles with mental health and addiction, which helps to break down the stigma surrounding these issues.

What can we learn from Kesha’s music and message?

We can learn a lot from Kesha’s music and message. Her empowering songs promote self-expression and individuality, encouraging people to be confident and strong in who they are. Kesha’s message is all about breaking down societal norms and expectations and living life on our own terms, something that is incredibly important in today’s society.

What is Kesha doing now?

Kesha is still making music and performing. She released her most recent album, “High Road,” in 2020, which features songs that continue to promote self-expression and individuality. Kesha is also an advocate for mental health and continues to use her platform to raise awareness about important issues.
