Why do women wrestlers suck so badly?

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

When it comes to the sport of professional wrestling, women are not nearly as coordinated as men.

D Man, I see what you're saying, but I don't think it's that divas are not as coordinated as men..... it's that they're coordinated differently. My theory is that the physiology of men and women differ in this manner: A man's center of gravity is across his shoulders, while a woman's center of gravity is across her hips.

Example?..... if a guy is standing in front of you and you put your hand on his shoulder and push, he has to take a step backward even if he's a big, strong guy. The reason for this is that you're disturbing his center of gravity. In contrast, if you push a woman's shoulder with some force, she won't step backward because her center of gravity isn't disturbed. (Yes, if you shove her hard enough, she'll be forced backward, but you see what I'm saying). To move her backward, push her by the hip, which is ineffective if you do it to a man.

For this reason, if a woman were to wrestle a man, the best thing she could do is take the fight to the mat and use her legs to combat the guy. The worst thing she could do is try to fight him with her upper body against his, because that's where his strength is and hers isn't..

Yet, that's how most girls wrestle in the ring. We see them going after each other with upper body maneuvers. Punching, for instance, looks ridiculous when girls do it, right? The reason for this is that their center of gravity simply doesn't allow the range of movement across the shoulders that makes for an effective looking punch. Someone like Beth Phoenix can get away with it because she's more developed in the upper body than most women.

Also, WWE and TNA women are so damn skinny that their ability to take bumps is limited. I cringe when I see some of the hard, awkward landings Alicia Foxx takes when she goes airborne. Scripted or not, it's got to hurt because she just isn't built for it. But we want our lady wrestlers to be pleasing to the eye, right? We don't want to see Bertha Faye in the ring, do we? So, we take 'em slender and feel their pain when they fall.

Another reason women look bad wrestling is that they aren't allowed to "work." It seems that all their matches are totally choreographed and come off looking unnatural and forced.....because they are. If pro women were taught to improvise and do "catch as catch can" wrestling, their contests might wind up being easier to enjoy.

I still think women's wrestling is better than it was when we had gals who were totally hopeless and helpless in the ring, like Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. Today, just about all of them are more capable than the "models" WWE employed as wrestlers in the past.

But, yes, on the whole, divas wrestling is pretty bad.
