Movies starring Lakeith Stanfield

May 2024 · 1 minute read
Girl in the Spider's Web, The Poster Girl in the Spider's Web, The

When Stieg Larsson died unexpectedly in 2004, he left behind three novels that would become worldwide sensations only after his death. The trilogy, which began in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, introduced Swedish journalist Mikael Blomkvist ...

Judas and the Black Messiah Poster Judas and the Black Messiah

To what extent has the narrative surrounding the Black Panthers been developed by government and law enforcement agencies whose impartiality has been, to put it mildly, suspect? Although it’s beyond question that the Panthers weren’t compr...

Knives Out Poster Knives Out

There are reasons why Hollywood rarely backs a murder mystery.  With its various narrative complexities, double dealings, and mandatory twists, the genre is generally unsuited for the constrictions demanded by a two-hour timeslot. As the PBS ...

Sorry to Bother You Poster Sorry to Bother You

Sorry to Bother You may be 2018’s answer to 2017’s Get Out – an entertaining film with a strong socio-political subtext. At times very funny and occasionally outrageous, Sorry to Bother You defies expectations with a fresh take on survi...

Uncut Gems Poster Uncut Gems

In their follow-up to the underrated Good Time, the Safdie Brothers (Benny and Josh) have shown that the some of the most forceful qualities evident in their previous film were more trademarks than one-off experiments. Uncut Gems, although ver...
