Who was the last NHL player to not wear a helmet and is it still allowed?

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

In the fast-paced, high-impact world of the NHL, player safety is paramount. The game's evolution has seen the implementation of numerous rules and regulations to protect its athletes, with one of the most pivotal changes being the mandatory use of helmets.

But did you know that the NHL once had players who skated without this essential piece of protective gear? The last player to venture onto the ice without a helmet was none other than the former Edmonton Oilers defenseman and head coach, Craig MacTavish, who boldly went helmet-less until the 1996-97 season.

Craig MacTavish is a Canadian ice hockey icon. He boasts a remarkable 17-season career in the National Hockey League, donning the jerseys of several legendary teams, including the Boston Bruins, Edmonton Oilers, New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, and the St. Louis Blues.

Throughout his illustrious career, MacTavish secured four Stanley Cup championships in 1987, 1988, 1990, and 1994.

More on Craig MacTavish's career

Although MacTavish made history as the last helmet-less player in the NHL, his legacy extends far beyond this distinctive honor.

He transitioned into coaching roles, leading the Edmonton Oilers from 2000 to 2009, in addition to serving as an assistant coach with the New York Rangers and the Oilers.

His coaching skills even extended beyond borders, as he took charge of Team Canada at the 2019 Spengler Cup and briefly coached the Russian team Lokomotiv Yaroslavl in the KHL.

Most recently, MacTavish added to his coaching accolades with an assistant coaching position for the St. Louis Blues from 2022 to 2023.

However, what truly sets MacTavish apart is his unique distinction as the last player to grace the rink without the protection of a helmet.

Is wearing a helmet mandatory in the NHL?

The transition towards mandatory helmet usage in the league was pivotal in reducing the risk of head injuries, concussions, and other potential dangers associated with head trauma.

The league introduced this rule over 40 years ago, stipulating that any player entering the NHL after June 1st, 1979, must wear a helmet while playing. It was a proactive step towards safeguarding the well-being of the league's finest athletes.

Yet, there was a provision for players who had already signed their first professional contracts before the helmet rule came into effect. They were permitted to play without a helmet, provided they signed a waiver acknowledging the risks involved. Craig MacTavish was one of those few hockey players.

In recent years, the league has continued to prioritize the well-being of its athletes.

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