Why do you hate CM Punk?

May 2024 ยท 8 minute read

Like I said, both Morrison and Chavo drew bigger ratings, CM Punk is Mr 1.0.

He never gets any good pops, open your ears. It's crickets weekly.

He never gets good pops? Did you watch Raw last night? It sounded like to me the crowd was split between him and CHRIS FUCKING JERICHO. That's not a good pop? Also, what about Survivor Series 2006, you know... where he out popped DX?

And on you're little 1.0 nonsense.... isn't that what Kurt Angle draws as TNA World Champ? Does that mean Angle isn't talented?

Also, why are you acting like Morrison and Chavo draws ten times more than Punk? Ever since Lashley became champion, the ratings have consistently stayed between 1.3-1.6. There's never been a big difference with any of the champions. So you can't say Chavo and Morrison draw more than Punk. If Chris Jericho was champion, the ratings would still suck because the show sucks. You can't draw with an undercard ECW has. Period.

Some, but he isn't over enough to hold the MITB.

MITB was created to help stars get to the next level. So if you think Punk isn't there yet, this will help him.

Bullshit, he doesn't draw, doesn't get reactions, his matches are always boring and the crowd doesn't get involved, he did well in the summer, but now he's just meh.

Again, the Raw match against Jericho?

Also, his matches are boring? Ummm.... did you not watch his ECW Championship win against Morrison? That was one of the best matches on WWE TV in 2007. And personally, I enjoyed his stuff against Chavo, too.

Listen to his reactions, they are nothing big. Just little pops.

Even against Jericho on Raw? :lmao:

1.0's obviously.

Angle draws the same thing. So he sucks?

Read newsites including WZ, not Clark but live fan sent in reports, he's a dick just like Batista, even just walked out of an autograph session. Plus, he did something to get him into the doghouse about a month ago, forgot what it was though.

Ummmm.... no. First of all, I've never seen reports where he was a dick to a fan. If you have proof, then be my guess and show it. If not, then shut the fuck up.

Secondly, you shouldn't believe everything you read. Because Punk lost the ECW Title in a surprising way, that was enough ammo for the dirt sites to start bullshit rumors. It's obvious now that management didn't want the ECW Champion in the MITB match, and that's why he lost it. Not because "he was in the doghouse".

What a crock of shit, look at the previous MITB winners compared to Punk

Kennedy - Uber over when he won it.

Edge - Godly heel and uber over.

Punk - Nobody gives a shit except ROH/Smarks like you.

How come I always see a bunch little kids in the audience with Punk clothes and signs? Are they 'ROH Smarks'?

The only reason why you people hate Punk is because ROH fans like him. And since you hate ROH fans, you have to hate the guys they like to. What a bunch of horseshit. I fucking hate that. And don't get me wrong; a lot of douchebag ROH fans are the same about WWE and TNA. You guys make it a bullshit competition. You let your hatred for certain fans dictate who you like in pro wrestling. What garbage. Think for yourselves.

He's been built but yet it's done nothing for ECW and it's done nothing for his character, he has no connection with the fans, and just isn't good at anything, mic work or wrestling.

Vince McMahon, probably the most over heel in history, couldn't help ECW ratings. What makes you think a WWE rookie could?

We saw what happened with Kennedy. Punk will get lost in the shuffle once Vince realizes.

Once Vince realizes what? Whether you like Punk or not, you have to admit that he is one guy Vince can trust not to fuck up with drugs. Vince can trust Punk to represent the company with honor, and that's all Vince needs to keep Punk's ass around.

Punk hasn't had a "good" match since Morrison. Average? Yes but good....ROFL.

Like I said, I like the matches with Chavo, but it's cool if you didn't. Personal preference, fine. However, you say Punk hasn't had a good match since Morrison... umm, who exactly has Punk faced since him? In fact, with the exception of Chavo Guerrero, has any of his singles matches gone longer then 8 minutes since his ECW Title win?

Whether you want to admit it or not, Punk still hasn't had a true opportunity to show WWE fans who are ignorant to his past what he's made of. The only singles matches he has had that were given a good length of time were against Chavo, Burke, and Morrison. All of which are talented, and none of the matches were bad in my opinion, but none of those guys are over. They don't get much, if any, heel heat during matches. Put Punk in there with an established heel like say Randy Orton, and watch what fucking happens.

How about those crickets he came out too last night and does every fucking week?

Again, did he get 'crickets' against Jericho?

How about his boring matches that the crowd snoozes through?

The crowd was wide awake when he faced Jericho.

Or how about his boring ass feuds?

Does CM Punk write the show? Does he have an input in what he says on the mic? Hell, how much mic time does CM Punk get in the first place? And it's HIS fault the feuds are boring? Give me a fucking break.

Boring gimmick?

His 'boring' gimmick sells a good amount of merchandise last I checked.

Bland character?

How is straight edge bland? Has their ever been a straight edge character in WWE? It's a good gimmick, if you ask me. Plus, Punk just hasn't had the right feud yet to showcase how creative his straight edge character has the potential to be. It'll come though. Until then, no one should have their mind made up about it.

Poor adapting to the WWE style?

Punk seems to do quite well in that ring if you ask me. He sells well and gives a fiery comeback. That's all you need to adapt to the WWE style. That's all management wants in a babyface.

Because he isn't popular. He's semi over, but not over enough to carry the MITB.

Like I said, the MITB match was created to help someone get more over. Not to give it to an already established individual. What would be the point? WWE wants to make new stars with that match. I mean, just look at the past guys who won it:

Edge - Was having a lot of trouble getting over as a heel at the time.

RVD - Just returned from injury and needed a boast to get his legitimacy back. Also, they knew they were starting the new ECW brand and knew this match could help it out.

Kennedy - Had everything except a huge victory, and this match gave him that.

Now, lets look at the wrestlers in this year's MITB:

Kennedy - Won it last year and doesn't need that thing to get more over. Besides, he buried himself by being a dumb douche.

Carlito - Carlito is nowhere near as talented as Punk and is a whiney little baby. Punk has been in some boring shit and has lost some matches that he shouldn't have, but you never heard any bitching come from his mouth. Carlito is just the opposite.

Shelton - I love Shelton, but his lack of passion and work ethic keeps him from getting to the next level. You can hate Punk all you want, but you cannot deny his passion for the business and the fact that he works his ass off.

Morrison - He's in the same boat as Punk. I wouldn't have minded it one bit had he won this match. He's the one guy you can make an argument for on who deserved to win this match more than the Punker.

MVP - He has the US Title and unfinished business with Matt Hardy. Plus, he's a good heel for 'Taker to feud with once his program with Edge is finished. MVP doesn't need the briefcase.

Jericho - Jericho just doesn't need this win either. Hell, in my opinion, he shouldn't have been in the match in the first place. He desevered a better spot on the card.

So that's it. But in the end, for you guys really bitching about CM Punk winning this thing, get over it. I'm pretty sure Punk is going to end up being the first MITB winner to lose his title shot. They can't have the winner of it win every single year; otherwise it would become repetitive and predictable.
