Tracee Ellis Ross Believes Aging Is an Honor

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Glamour: What is one beauty trend right now that you’re obsessed with?

Tracee Ellis Ross: Lymphatic drainage and dry brushing. I’ve always been a dry brusher, but now I feel like there is so much more really good information out there for how to dry-brush and the benefits of it. I’m a person who doesn’t drink coffee. If I’m extra tired in the morning, a nice little quick dry-brush in the right order is fantastic.

I have a lymphatic-drainage massage therapist that I go to in Paris. Her name is Olfa. I have been looking for someone in LA, but I follow two different people on Instagram that teach me lymphatic drainage things to do. As a menopausal, 50-year-old woman, I’m like, “Yes, lymphatic drainage.” Especially because I don’t do any fillers or Botox or Morpheus or all these things. I prefer hand touch. I don’t know if you call that a trend, but I’ll take it. I wish you could order that on DoorDash and Sephora, so a lymphatic-drainage massage therapist could come to my door.

What was the first beauty product you ever used?

I don’t remember the actual first beauty product. As a kid I was a big Keri Lotion user. When I was in my early teens and learning my hair, I was obsessed with Aveda Elixir and Cherry Almond Conditioner. And then they stopped making them. I went to every store so I could find that Aveda Elixir, and I kept it in my refrigerator. Eventually it went bad, duh, but I thought it would last longer in my fridge. Eventually, I not only found other products but then created the holy grail that is the Pattern Leave-In that I think is better. But I was obsessed, and it was one of the key products that helped me figure my hair out.

Fill in the blank. I love my hair when____.

When I have, and this is genuinely the truth, used the Pattern Beauty Transition Mask, then shampooed with the Hydration Shampoo, the Intensive Conditioner, and then put the Leave-In Conditioner in. And I let my hair dry naturally, air dry, not even diffuse. My hair is my dream hair. It’s just hydrated. Happy Tracee natural hair.

Fill in the blank. I feel most beautiful when___.

I’m going to say at sunset, that golden hour when I’m quietly at home and have on sweatpants and a clean face. I feel most beautiful when I have a clean face—not just clean, no makeup, but I’ve just washed my face and hydrated. It’s not glamorous. If you were to ask me when I feel most glamorous, that would be a different answer. I feel the sexiest when I have black eyeliner around my eyes. I don’t know what it is about black eyeliner, but that smolder that’s really black and sort of mushy. When that is all over my eyes and some crazy mascara, I feel really sexy. But most beautiful is a clean, refreshed face. That golden-hour sun going down, home in my sweatpants quietly.
