ROUND TWO: Sora & Nick Fury vs. Cyclops & M. Bison

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The amount of enemies he has vanquished is quite literally countless. Hades was just one example. He's beaten the demi-god Hercules, the Hydra, Chernabog, Sepiroth, Maleficent Dragon, Cloud, and countless other badass villains. Regardless if you're unimpressed or not it's still an impressive feat.

Just because you can't count high enough doesn't mean that the amount of enemies he's vanquished is literally countless. I can make the exact same argument about Cyclops and drop names like Onsalught, Magneto, and even Wolverine.

Sora has the same ability in his hand alone. Stopga command automatically freezes opponents. Or if he really wanted to he could use Zero Graviga which would keep the Hulk in the air. Point is that both Cyclops and Sora could stop Hulk.

Great, they both are extraordinarily powerful.

Sora has the ability to create a Meteor Shower... with his mind.

And endanger the people of Earth? I don't see him doing that just to win this battle.

That's not to mention that Cyclops could easily blast those meteors out of the sky.

Of course this point wouldn't matter considering the Keyblade can withstand ANY type of "beams" or "lazers." Plus Sora doesn't need to be able to stop time he could use his warp reaction ability to warp behind Cyclops and simply hit him once with the keyblade which destroys concrete in one hit...

First of all, optic blasts aren't lasers; they are concussive blasts.

And the keyblade can cut through concrete? That's cute. Cyclops' optic blasts have the power of a large nuclear reactor.


Marvel Wiki said:

During the Civil War: X-Men story arc, Cyclops is controlled by another mutant to use his powers at their full magnitude. When directed at the energy-absorbing mutant Bishop, Cyclops was able to overload Bishop's powers in a matter of seconds. When Iron Man measured Cyclops's power while he was powering Bishop, he found the energy output was well over 2 gigawatts, larger than a large nuclear reactor.

Just because he has instant reaction time doesn't mean he sees everything. I'm not that naïve to say because he can instantly react he'll dodge everything however whenever he is in trouble he can either deflect automatically or use his reaction commands. Need proof?

Skip to around 1:30 for the start of it.

I don't even know what I just watched... except you didn't really prove that Sora has instant reaction time.

Also, I noticed you failed to address Sora's lack of intelligence. This comes directly from the Kingdom Heart wiki.

Kingdom Hearts Wiki said:

Sora is often quick to anger whenever he's confused, and is quite childish and silly at times. He can also be seen as quite impulsive, as he tends to jump into things without thinking them through beforehand. While simple-minded and naive at times, he has a strong sense of justice, like when he proves Alice's innocence by finding pieces of evidence around Wonderland.

Quick to anger? Impulsive? Simple-minded? These are traits that will be his undoing when dealing with M. Bison and Cyclops.

I honestly don't really have any qualms with this statement. Sure Fury would probably get some shots in your scenario Fury would be a non factor. However, if indeed Sora could freeze time then he's a non factor. Regardless Sora could most likely take out both without Fury.

Not really. The only compelling argument you've made for Sora so far is that he can freeze time, but his time freeze only effects a certain area. Considering Cyclops is a ranged fighter and M. Bison is a melee guy, they aren't going to be standing close together, so if Sora freezes one of them, the other will be there to fight off Sora and stall him while the frozen guy thaws out... of time.

I think you're forgetting about Sora's ability to use a Magnet spell. He can simply stop time, and then call a lightning storm to land on Cyclops causing him to be a non factor to begin with. Even if Bison got a shot in after this Sora would take it and then easily walk over Bison. The Keyblade is that powerful.

Melee combat is M. Bison's joint. Supposing Sora managed to freeze Cyclops and call a lightning storm on him, M. Bison still could disarm Sora in a heartbeat. Sora may be a powerful swordsman, but he's not half the martial artist that M. Bison is.

Bison takes the keyblade from Sora and either uses it against him or simply tosses it away and finishes him off with a Final Psycho Crusher.
